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Ways to Build Credit in Texas

Been told by your potential lender that you don’t have enough trade lines or that your scores are too low?  Having credit scores above 620 and having at least three active trade lines are important parts of obtaining a mortgage loan.  Below are some ways to build credit and develop good trade lines.

Secured credit cards are an optimum way to start rebuilding your credit scores. You want a minimum of two credit cards and/or secured credit cards. The more credit cards you have the more opportunities to add points to your scores as long as you manage those cards effectively.

The two biggest factors that affect your scores are 1) your payment history and 2) the amount of debt you owe; therefore, all payments must be made on time, never late.   And the balances you carry on your credit cards should be $0.00 or less than 50% of the credit limit established for each account.

Our first recommendation is for you to check with your own bank or visit your local smaller community banks and/or credit unions to apply for a secured credit card. Find out what the minimum opening amount is, their fees & other charges, terms.

Credit impacts all aspects of your life from applying for a job to purchasing your first home.  Contact me today to find out more about how we can help you re-build or establish your credit.

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